Imagine this: you are huddled together with your family in a closet because you received an alert that a tornado has touched down in your neighborhood. The power has went out due to the storm so the only connection you have to see where the tornado is on your mobile device. So you open your "first alert" weather app to do just that. Your babys crying and your trying to listen for the sound of a tornado. You click on the live feed tab and BOOM a two minute video advertisement pops up on your phone (there is no option to skip the ad mind you) so you have to sit there terrified and wait for the news station to makes a few cents before you get the information that your life may depend on! Because this is exactly what happened to our family, and it could happen to yours. What is the point of a "first alert" weather app when "ever second counts" if youre forced to wait until a completely irrelevant advertisement takes those precious seconds and flushes them down the toilet? Unless of course the advertisement is for a funeral home...
Fellowtruthseeker about 14FirstAlert Weather TriState, v4.3.402